Launch Week II Day 1: Preview Deployments

Welcome to Shadyfi's second launch week! Over the course of the week, we'll be launching something new every day.
We're kicking off Day 1 with one of our most requested features: Preview Deployments 🎉.
Now, when a user creates a pull request, we will generate a unique link that shows exactly what your docs will look like in production before they are live.
You can share this link with your team members and users to receive feedback on new product or feature releases.
Once the PR is merged, the changes will be reflected in production, and the generated link will expire.

Why it matters
Whenever there are changes to documentation for product guides or API reference sections, it is important to ensure that all changes are accurate before deploying them to production. This is crucial for maintaining a reliable source-of-truth for your users.
You can now see your changes in a live environment right after publishing a PR, allowing for earlier issue detection and ensuring that any new components, video embeds, and text behave as expected.
With preview deployments, you'll see a significant improvement to current developer workflows for creating and updating documentation.
Getting started
Preview deployments are now available for all users in beta for the next two weeks.
To stay updated for the rest of Launch Week, follow our Twitter or join our community!